HTz 001

HTz 001 / DUB THIS NET "Altered connection 1"
Laurent Diouf from France compiled this record for the online magazine It's a selection of 13 electronic dub tunes: breaks, beats & dub, trance-dub, new-roots available on Htz records.
I like the dub style which goes a little bit more into the techno direction but still concentrates on the dub ingredients. There are some of these tunes featured here: Actuality and Pitch Black for example are present with two massive trance-dub tracks at it's best. A good start for the album.
The long-time-dub-heroes Power Steppers and Alpha & Omega follow with two previously unreleased mixes of two of their classic songs. Pure rootical steppers. DigiDub follow with their typical untypical interpretation of dub before Dublivion kick some really heavy stepper drums (snare!).
The Dub Factory is also present here with a strange "Dub Hop" song, a mix between hip hop beats and reggae music. Different. Of course, Zion Train can't be missing on such a compilation. Yet another version of "Manta Ray" this time. How many versions of this song did they produce in all these years?! 😉
L. S. Diezel present a very cool song with great skank-samples and breaky beats. MafuCage is a "Hostage In Babylon" and is obviously "mad" as she tell us in this song full of strange beats and noises. Subaqueous Pleezer win the compition in the most freakiest name. Their song hurts your ears due to a bass underneath the surface. Hyper tune!
V-Neck's addition is the illest one, beeps and boops everywhere. And not much more actually 😉 The end of the CD comes with Hedonastik. Rockers is all I can say about it. Sound system style.
This CD is definitely something for the dance fraction. I know some folks would critizise that this is too technoid, too less reggae. But I say, what counts is the music. And the music is excellent for dancing and partying. Even my neighboor liked it when he visited me and the CD was on. And he listens to rock and punk and such stuff. 😉
Dub Rogue / Dubflash, November 2002

Conçue initialement comme l’extension discographique de la rubrique du même nom sur le site, “Dub this net” peut également être considérée comme la version strictement dub de l’émission “Wreck this mess” (tous les mardis sur l’indispensable radio Libertaire à Paris). Avec Laurent Diouf dans le rôle du “selector”, il faut bien sûr s’attendre à écouter du son essentiellement électronique, et sur ce plan, on n’est pas déçu. Hormis quelques grandes figures telles que Zion Train ou Alpha&Omega, la part belle est faite aux découvertes prometteuses, et la majorité des participants nous viennent du Royaume-Uni, même si les Pays-Bas, la France, les USA et la Nouvelle-Zélande ont aussi délégué un représentant. Après une entrée en matière baignant dans des sonorités synthétiques que l’on doit à Actuality et Pitch Black, le tracklisting nous plonge dans une atmosphère digne des sound systems : rythmes hypnotiques, effets distillés avec parcimonie, le tout reposant sur des lignes de basse pour le moins imposantes (de Power Steppers à Dub Factory en passant par Digidub ou Alpha&Omega…). La dernière partie de cette sélection nous offre en revanche des morceaux aux rythmes plus percutants et surtout aux constructions beaucoup plus perturbées, comme en témoignent les performances de L.S. Diezel, des parisiennes Mafu Cage ou encore du duo anglais V-Neck qui confirme être toujours aussi barré, après l’excellent “Dub fiction” sorti sur Law&Auder. En résumé, cette compilation nous donne à entendre différentes approches du dub tout en maintenant un niveau de qualité constant. Une vraie réussite, et aussi un excellent début pour le label HTZ, dont on ne manquera pas de suivre attentivement les prochaines productions. Renseignez-vous d’ores et déjà à leur sujet sur
Low / Ultime Atome
Laurent Diouf is rightly globally-renowned for his Internet radio broadcasts 'Wreck This Mess' and the two brilliant eponymous compilations subsequently released. Aside from displaying impeccable taste in his selections, Diouf manages to elicit exclusive tracks and remixes from an all-star roster of his singularly-defined genre of "ambient industrial vs electronic dub vs hypnotic grooves" - folks like Rootsman, Rapoon, Muslimgauze, Twilight Circus Dub Sound System, Spectre, Extremadura, and DJ Spooky along with a host of lesser-known but glittering talents.
Having now also allied himself with the broader-based, Diouf curates his first compilation under their auspices. 'Dub This Net' is culled from contributions to its soundbank, and in contrast to the at times flinty brilliance of 'Wreck This Mess', 'Dub This Net' is more polished round the edges, concerning itself more with the new digital dub that has spread from the UK in recent years. Stalwarts Zion Train from that very scene check in with a fine track, as do the always-reliable Alpha & Omega, but as usually is the case with truly entertaining dub compilations, the project rises to prominence due to the surprising performances of unknowns - MafuCage, L. S. Diezel, Subaqueous Pleezer. Check this dub!
Stephen Fruitman / SoNoMu (Sound ­ Noise ­ Music), 01 May 2002

THE WIRE is a website thet gathers together all kinds of electronic music. One of its most eminent curators is global dub pilot extraordinaire Capitaine Laurent Diouf, of Wreck This Mess fame, a show on Radio Libertaire in Paris. Laurent has done as much as anyone to champion dub by any means necessary. Here he collects new roots, breaks, beats, dub and trance dub from the site's 'Dub This Net' section, which reviews all bass driven things. Highlights are the tracks involving South London's DigiDub, who always manage to come up with some twisted angle on the genre, and V-Neck, whose album Dub Fiction provided one of the most inventive dub outings of last year.
reviewed by Steve Barker (from 'On The Wire' @ BBC) in The Wire magazine, issue 209, July 2001

CODA, été 2001
Pour sa première sortie, HTz Records - émanation du site, Hypertunez - n'a pas fait dans la demi-mesure. Dub This Net est en effet une des meilleures compilations de dub-électronique parues cette année. Spécialiste maison du dub et de l'electronica, ses deux domaines de prédilection avec la techno, le selecta, Laurent 'WTM' Diouf, nous propose en effet pas moins de huit titres et remixes inédits et cinq pièces exclusives, tous issus de sa rubrique Dub This Net - où l'on retrouve d'ailleurs de plus amples détails sur chacun des participants. Sa compilation "transdubalistique" nous propose plusieurs déclinaisons du genre. Dans la famille new roots, on retrouve les pointures, Power Steppers, Alpha & Omega, DigiDub, Dublivion et The Dub Factory. Dans la famille breaks, beats & dub : L.S.Diezel, MafuCage, Subaqueous Pleezer, V-Neck. Enfin, la catégorie trance-dub regroupe Actuality, Pitch Black, Hedonastik. Enchaînés avec finesse, ces 13 titres nous révèlent la fine fleur de la scène növö-dub anglaise, à l'exception de Pitch Black (Nouvelle Zélande), Dublivion (Hollande), MafuCage (France) et Subaqueous Pleezer (USA). Premier volet d'une collection, altered connection 1 joue la carte de l'inédit de bout en bout. Il n'y a que comme ça que j'imagine une compilation, déclare Laurent Diouf. Nous aussi! 8,5/10

WTM-Amsterdam / Radio 100
"Dub This Net 1" on Hypertunez is WTM-Paris branch, Laurent D.'s 3rd foray into choreographing a post-dub CD. He has exquisite taste æ he has again created a polemic manifesto that surreptitiously urges you gently to get IT. IT is the sound of post-dub material that mysteriously morphs before our very ears every few years as it retains a central element of [non-kitschy] rootedness. It traverses the flirtations with annoying noise, with discarded sonic detritus and hyper-activated rhythms and slides it into a mellifluous dub churn. What this creates is a dynamic dialectic of lethargic beats [influenced by the pace of ganja] and the hyper beats of post drum and bass which have absorbed the infections of social edginess that has determined that all escape entails the incorporation of ever greater speeds... With production by Norsq and the choice of cuts by connoiseur Laurent, you end up going right, right into the heart of it.
Bart Plantenga

TRAX n°43, Août / Septembre 2001
Les internautes auront sûrement fait le lien : Dub This Net, le disque, est la compilation de Dub This Net, la rubrique du site de musiques électroniques Pour sa première réalisation, le label nouveau-né HTz, enfanté par Hypertunez, invite Laurent Diouf à se transformer en "selecta". Ça tombe bien : le bonhomme à dans son flightcase quelques petites raretés de derière les fagots. Regroupés sous trois chapitres (new roots; break, beats & dub; et trance dub), les morceaux sont presque tous "unreleased", "exclusive" et parfois même "unedited". Que les simples amateurs se rassurent : ils ne manqueront pas de point de repère, avec certains artistes chroniqués dans ces colonnes (V-Neck, DigiDub…). Les spécialistes sauront apprécier les petits secrets du "Doctor Roots", comme les morceaux de Pitch Black ou Hedonastik. Pour une première réalisation, c'est encourageant. Reste à savoir si HTz sera plus qu'un label de compilations. ***
Victor Heitz
This record is one of the best digi-dub compilations released in a long time. It's as good as 'Dubnology - Lost in the Bass' from Middle Earth Records or the Zip Dog series 'Club Meets Dub'. The difference here is that HTz records is the new label of the internet website and is under the artistic guidence of Paris based Laurent Diouf. LD is a long time lover of bass ethics, a discoverer of new beats, hypnotic grooves and is the deep minded DJ behind Radio Libertaire's "Wreck This Mess" broadcast every tuesday 12:30 - 02:30 at 89.4 FM. New Roots, Breaks, Beats & Dub and some very bassy trancy sounds turn this CD into an aural magnet. First it pulls in yours ears, then it rips down yours socks with the spiral. Mastered by Norscq and mixed by LD, this record tips the scales with excellent sound. It shifts from positive pumpin Power Steppa dub to the darker internal illbient space of MafuCage to the psychedlic housy beats of Hedonastik. Pump up the volume! Almost every track is exclusive or previously unreleased and the broad range of dub should win over some new believers to the dubplate feast. The tracklisting includes dubs by: Pitch Black, L.S.Diezel, Alpha & Omega, DigiDub, Subaquaceous Pleezer, The Dub Factory (who are also on Nova's Future Dub Vol 1), V-Neck, Zion Train & Actuality. Some new names for me and you. LD also has compiled the recommendable 'Wreck This Mess' Remission Vol 1 & Vol 2' on Noise Museum records. He has fused Ambient and Industrial with Dub and Electronics. Starfish Pool to DJ Spooky. His compilations are put together slowly by hand with a visionary spirit and direct contact with the artists in the selection.
Black Sifichi / Radio Nova +

Release numero uno realizzata dalla nuova etichetta di Laurent Diouf, noto per i suoi show radiofonici Wreck This Mess, nonchè per le due compilation che portano lo stesso nome uscite per Alice In Wonder/Noise Museum, capace per l'occasione di chiamare in raccolta le migliori espressioni della dub music -intesa in senso lato- dei nostri tempi in una certosina opera di reclutamento, portata avanti principalmente attraverso la rete (da qui il titolo della selection) attraverso il portale, tappa telematica fondamentale per gli appassionati del genere.
Nuove leve e "vecchie" glorie idealmente riunite in una selezione indicata per il jammin'. La progressione undertonale è coinvolgente e scandisce una sequenza ipnoidea: dal dub notturno di Actuality alla calda commistione con glissati dance e ambient organica di Pitch Black, dal core melanotico dei Power Steppers a quello tubulare di Alpha & Omega, dalle cinestesie di Digidub -nota cricca di remixer ed artisti di South London- e quelle di Zion Train -considerati dai più i veri pionieri della dub d'Oltremanica-, via via fino a formazioni meno conosciute ma non meno agguerrite -V-Neck e L.S.Diesel-. Sound solido, massivo, autentico, space-routing. Tested & Approved!
Pagina a cura di Vito Camarretta, 2 / 12 / 2001

OCTOPUS, printemps 2002
Après deux compilations sortis chez Noise Museum portant haut les couleurs de son émission radiophonique et libertaire "Wreck This Mess", Laurent Diouf joue de nouveau au sélector électro-dub, mais à son compte cette fois, sur le nouveau label HTz, extension (ou résultante) du site internet Hypertunez... ["Dub This Net"] dresse donc un tableau des futures hostilités à venir... Un tableau assez tranquille de prime abord, puisque les premiers morceaux sonnent plutôt "roots" et dub old-school (Alpha & Omega, DigiDub)… Il faut attendre le Néerlandais Dublivion pour avoir une première poussée rythmique conséquente, puis les Parisien[ne]s de MafuCage pour inhaler quelques triturations bien senties... Première du nom, cette compilation servira donc de "warm-up" pour les plats de résistance à venir...
Octopus, printemps 2002 (chroniques express)

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